I am a software engineer with a strong background in computer networks, mobile networks, and web performance. I have been working in the PageSpeed Insights team since I joined Google.
I am a software engineer with a strong background in computer networks, mobile networks, and web performance. I have been working in the PageSpeed Insights team since I joined Google.
Web performance Focus on reducing end-user latency of the web properties (making the web faster!). Contribute to a number of latency-related efforts, including documentation and knowledge sharing, front-end infrastructure code improvements, and improve developer tools for analyzing latency.
Equity Earnings Developing Bloomberg terminal financial information software on Unix using C/C++, Fortran, JavaScript, perl and other shell scripts. Responsible for all phases of the application development process including analysis, development of program specifications, design, coding and development, quality assurance and testing, and implementation.
Ph.D. Extract and process Wi-Fi user mobility data collected at Dartmouth College. Design and implement mobility prediction algorithms in Java, and evaluate them through simulation using real mobility data. Evaluate the performance of applying the prediction techniques to bandwidth reservation in cellular-like systems. Also research on the effect of applying the prediction techniques to routing protocols in disconnection tolerant networks.
Master of Engineering Master’s thesis: the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Task Scheduling of Spacecraft. Use rule-base methods to optimize the tasks with energy constraints on spacecrafts. Both Fortran and C++ were used to implement the spacecraft orbiting simulation and rule-based expert system.
Bachelor of Engineering Engineering Physics.
Libo Song and David Kotz. Evaluating Opportunistic Routing Protocols with Large Realistic Contact Traces . ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS'07), September, 2007.
Libo Song, David Kotz, Ravi Jain, and Xiaoning He. Evaluating next-cell predictors with extensive Wi-Fi mobility data. IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, 5(12):1633-1649, December 2006.
Libo Song, Udayan Deshpande, Ulas Kozat, David Kotz, and Ravi Jain. Predictability of WLAN mobility and its effects on bandwidth provisioning. IEEE INFOCOM, April 2006.
Libo Song, David Kotz, Ravi Jain, and Xiaoning He. Evaluating location predictors with extensive Wi-Fi mobility data. IEEE INFOCOM, March 2004.